LIHOC"S skills acquisition programme in partnership with american jewish society {ajws}  imageLIHOC"S skills acquisition programme in partnership with american jewish society {ajws}  image

The issue?
About 45% of Osun state residents are unemployed. Large number of young people in this area and youth unemployment is high. A lack of basic skills makes it difficult for individuals to secure employment and families continue to experience extreme poverty. Parents depend on their children in old age, so it is crucial that their children secure jobs. African women seem strong, however their social position is determined by their husbands and single women with families find themselves marginalized
The Apprenticeship in Tailoring, Event and Floral Decoration Program is a project which comprises young people aged 13 - 28 years who: have been forced to drop out from school or did not have an opportunity to get any formal education.
Objectives: Empowerment of 50girls and 10 boys by building up their professional capacity in one year, Enable the youth to find employment after graduation, based on skills acquired during their apprenticeship and Enhancement of the abilities of single mothers.
Although the importance of sewing has been recognized as a vocation integrated into the Life Skills. The topics, which catered for training girls as mothers and home economists include Family Clothing Decision, creative crafts like crocheting and knitting, identification and care of textile in the home.
Those were three of the successful outcomes of LIHOC grassroots projects through past AJWS grants.

a cross section of sewing machinesCross section of hairdressing equipment